
Sunday, July 20, 2008

I swear I haven't been drinking...

(any more than usual) but I think Dario is starting to sign to us!

I know, I know. He doesn't have any teeth (where are they anyway? I'm starting to lose hope they'll ever come up), still occasionally falls over and bonks his head while sitting and playing, and often spits up like a reflux-y newborn.

But I'm serious! I've been starting to show him a few beginning signs, like "milk" when I'm nursing him, "more" when I get him more food, and "water" when I give him water to drink. So I was changing his diaper the other day and I noticed him looking right at me and making a motion with his hand, rubbing the pads of his index and middle finger with his thumb, just like how Matteo used to sign "milk." (We use the ASL sign for milk: opening and closing your fist as if milking a cow) So I said "Do you want some milk?" and his face lit up and he grinned and laughed. And then I fed him. Dario is a strange baby in that he will NOT nurse unless he is really hungry. But every time I've noticed him doing the sign, I'll take him and he wants to eat!

Steve also thinks he is doing the dog sign (which we've also showed him: patting your thigh as if calling a dog) when he sees Nyo. I know it's a normal baby thing to flail their arms around but Steve swears he is purposely patting his leg when he watches Nyo walk into the room. I noticed it once but couldn't believe he could actually be signing.

So. Maybe I really am crazy or maybe Dario is already learning to sign. Some people think that baby signing delays talking and I can only hope that it does. Once they are both talking to me nonstop, my head will officially explode and while there's not much left in there, it's not gonna be pretty!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course he his signing! He is awful bright. Signing did not delay Matteo's talking, so I am sure Dario will follow in his footsteps! Grandma Sue

3:58 PM  

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